
Mole removal

Moles or melanocytic nevi are skin lumps containing cells which are able to make pigment. Moles can be removed through various surgical techniques with good cosmetic outcome.

Skin tag removal

Skin tags are common skin growths often found at the neck, axilla(armpit) and groin folds of patients. These skin growths can beremoved with simple skin surgery or electrosurgical techniques. Electrosurgery is a technique which involves using an electric current generator to surgically remove various skin growths.

Benign skin lesion removal

Our skin can develop various skin growths due to the external environment such as seborrheic keratoses, cutaneous horns or other benign skin growths as a response to the health of our body. These skin growths can be removed with skin surgery or electrosurgical techniques. Electrosurgery is a technique which involves using an electric current generator to surgically remove various skin growths.


Lipomas are benign growths of fatty tissue that appears near the surface of the skin. Lipomas may enlarge and affect patients due to physical obstruction and cosmetic appearance.
Lipomas can be removed with good results through small surgical incisions and excision surgery. Excision surgery involves using a small surgical instrument to remove various skin lumps and fat lumps.


Various cysts such as epidermoid cyst and pilar cysts can appear on any part of our body. These cysts may discharge fluid, enlarge or become painful if infected. Skin cysts can be removed through small surgical incisions in the skin with minimal discomfort.

Viral wart treatment

Viral warts are skin growths due to human papilloma virus (HPV) infection and can spread through contact with infected skin. Viral warts can be treated with cryotherapy, electrosurgery and medical therapy.

Skin biopsy

Being the largest organ in the body, different skin conditions and growths may appear on our skin. Skin biopsies are important in confirming the diagnosis and are performed in a minimally invasive manner through the removal of a small piece of skin from the affected area. With an accurate diagnosis, an individualized skin care treatment can be provided to every patient.

Keloids and hypertrophic scar treatment

Keloids are smooth firm skin growths which can appear spontaneously or after an injury to your skin. Keloids can itch or be painful when pressed on by an external object. Hypertrophic scars are thickened scars which appear on areas of damaged skin. Keloids and hypertrophic scars can be safely treated with injection of small quantities of steroids into the thickened scar.

Hair loss treatment

Our hair and scalp may be affected by various skin conditions such as psoriasis, alopecia areata, androgenetic alopecia, lupus erythematous and fungal infections of the scalp and hair (tinea capitis) leading to hair loss. Following a detailed examination of your hair and scalp, we will provide a comprehensive treatment plan for the hair loss.

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